Some may be asking what role do saint’s play in the church
while some don’t still know whom the saints are, in this post I will give you
answers to all your question. First we shall start with the meaning of a saint.
A saint refers to a holy one, initially no one is holy
except God but recently after God himself came and show us the way, people
tried to imitate God by being as holy as the can even to an extent we see and
observe their holiness. 95% of the known saints are gotten among the early
Christian while most were myters.
saints are well respected and venerated due to their great achievements. Christ
is the sole founder of the church (Christianity), but without the saints Jesus
Christ work would have been in vain and this was why he choose and prepared
them for that very work because they willingly submitted themselves for it. The
blood of the saints was this Christianity me and you belied in today and I
don’t see the reason why you have to see them for granted.
As Jesus
Christ founded the church he commission it into the hands of his disciple
to spread it throughout the world , just
imagine what Christianity would have been if these people failed to accomplish
their mission. Within them exist the saints who
did a great work with their lives and bloods
in other to spread the message of Christianity, those their blood, lives, and
sweat is the sole of the church which brought about the present day
Christianity. They lost their lives, passed through hell, and suffered a lot in
other to prove their faith in Christ Jesus and to bring the good news to us.
Non among the 12 apostles of Christ except John died
peacefully, as they were spreading the good
news, they were all tortured and killed by unbelievers who filled the universe
then. Somebody like st. Lawrence whose skin was pilled off while he was still
alive and was fried in hot oil later. St, Anne’s breast was teased apart and
cutted off while she still breath, etc and many others who were not mytered but
who play a very important role in the spread of Christianity all submitted
their lives and blood in building the Christian church that me and you believed
in today. They formed the foundation of the church with Christ Jesus himself.
why do you think it’s a wrong thing for Christian to respect, venerate and ask
them to help us just as catholic’s do. don’t you see that without them there
will be nothing like you ( a Christian). My brothers and sisters is better we
start telling our selves the truth , no one bites the finger that fed him,
truths live within us and its left for us to go with them. Not all that
happened were written in the bible, most were written but could not be
contained in the bible while others were transferred orally (1timoty 3:15).
They poured their blood alongside with Christ in order to save us , do not
forget them.

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